Sunday, February 27, 2011

I love many things. I love many places. I love many people.

I love nature. Of all the things and places that I love, nature has to be the one I love most. Nature is a constant. Obviously the scenes of nature change, my backyard will not look the same in 10 years, my favorite mountain will have changed over the next 5 years, but there will always be a place in nature where I can escape.

Part of me has to pick favorites. Favorite food, movie, book, song. I have favorites for all of them. In nature, my favorite things to watch and be a part of are, water, clouds, trees, and the stars. Probably more than half of the pictures on my phone are a combination of beautiful clouds and trees. I can't stop myself from attempting to capture the beauty of nature. 

But I have discovered something while attempting to imitate nature on my phone or with a camera or on paper. Pictures and paintings of nature never quite capture the beauty and simplicity of the original. They can inspire feelings of awe and a give you a desire to be happy, but they can never show you the same details that the artist saw.

Maybe this is one of the reasons I love nature so much. It is a changing constant in an unstable world. 


  1. I feel like most of our world trip should be checking out crazy awesome nature, and we should definitely check out some fjords while we're at it :) Also you are profound, just so you know :)

  2. YES! I want to visit fjords.

    You have instilled an intense desire to see one ever since your epic fjord cake!!!
