Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Debate...

What do you do about a college class that is a complete waste of time. I am seriously considering not going to class anymore. Here are my justifications.

  • I have already taken a course very similar to this one and so none of the content is new.
  • My teacher is a grad student. I have nothing against grad students, one of my favorite teachers is also a grad student, BUT this teacher does not really know or care what she is doing.
  • Everything is posted online. Reading assignments, lecture notes, assignments given in class. Everything.
  • When she lectures, she does not add anything to the notes, she simply re-iterates what the notes say.
  • We watch movie clips almost every class period.
  • It is my last class.
So, I feel like all of these reasons are good enough to stop attending class. However part of me feels like I would be a slacker and a quiter if I did.



  1. Does your teacher take attendance or give pop quizzes or anything?

  2. If it's not useful, don't go. It's okay.
