Saturday, October 22, 2011

Confession #1 - Stuffed Animals

So I realized I don't do much confessing on this blog....thus defeating the purpose of the blog...So I am starting today!

Confession: I love stuffed animals.

Yes, I still sleep with my teddy bear and my bunny rabbit.  I don't think I could make it though a night without them! 
This picture describes perfectly how I feel about my little friends :)

I just get all happy inside when I see this picture!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Well, my posting has failed lately. My problem is that I feel like my life is not that exciting. I go to school and I work. The end. Oh, and sometimes I sleep.

I recently moved out of my parents and into a house with 5 other girls, which is pretty exciting! I was super nervous at first, but now I love it. There are definitely drawbacks. For example, I don't have food. Like really, I haven't gone grocery shopping in 2 months. But I still love it!

Okay, lets talk about how lately I have wanted to write poetry like hard core. I feel like I am not super good, but I still love doing it. Maybe I will post my poetry thoughts on mi blog....I feel good about it.