Sunday, February 27, 2011

I love many things. I love many places. I love many people.

I love nature. Of all the things and places that I love, nature has to be the one I love most. Nature is a constant. Obviously the scenes of nature change, my backyard will not look the same in 10 years, my favorite mountain will have changed over the next 5 years, but there will always be a place in nature where I can escape.

Part of me has to pick favorites. Favorite food, movie, book, song. I have favorites for all of them. In nature, my favorite things to watch and be a part of are, water, clouds, trees, and the stars. Probably more than half of the pictures on my phone are a combination of beautiful clouds and trees. I can't stop myself from attempting to capture the beauty of nature. 

But I have discovered something while attempting to imitate nature on my phone or with a camera or on paper. Pictures and paintings of nature never quite capture the beauty and simplicity of the original. They can inspire feelings of awe and a give you a desire to be happy, but they can never show you the same details that the artist saw.

Maybe this is one of the reasons I love nature so much. It is a changing constant in an unstable world. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Debate...

What do you do about a college class that is a complete waste of time. I am seriously considering not going to class anymore. Here are my justifications.

  • I have already taken a course very similar to this one and so none of the content is new.
  • My teacher is a grad student. I have nothing against grad students, one of my favorite teachers is also a grad student, BUT this teacher does not really know or care what she is doing.
  • Everything is posted online. Reading assignments, lecture notes, assignments given in class. Everything.
  • When she lectures, she does not add anything to the notes, she simply re-iterates what the notes say.
  • We watch movie clips almost every class period.
  • It is my last class.
So, I feel like all of these reasons are good enough to stop attending class. However part of me feels like I would be a slacker and a quiter if I did.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spin Art

So last night I went to one of my really good friends 20th birthday party. It was really fun! She had lots of food and since it was outside she had a fire pit, which was good cause it was slightly chilly! I got to hang out with people I haven't seen in FOREVER! Some of my best friends from high school were there, and we had soooo much fun. At her party, she had a spin art, which I haven't done since elementary school! We were all having tons of fun trying to make the perfect picture. Mine turned out pretty good. On one of them I squeezed the green to hard and so it turned into a green blob. But the other turned out pretty cool looking. Now I really want to do more.....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Movies (and music!)

I am a huge movie person (I have not seen many movies) but I LOVE to watch movies!  One of my all time favorite movies is the 1995 version of Pride and Prejudice (yes the 5 hour one!) I love the "old time" romance in that movie. The other day I was introduced to an awesome movie by the awesome Bonster (yes this is a nickname...) It is called Cranford. It was created by Sue Birtswistle, the same lady who produced my Pride and Prejudice (yes it was also about 5 hours) Cranford was amazing. I loved it. Now my list of all-time-favorite movies has increased. So far, here it is:

Pride and Prejudice(1995)
The Scarlet Pimpernel(1982)
National Treasure(1&2)

I'm pretty sure there are more, but those are all I can think of right now :)

Also, my favorite part of any movie, is the music. Music makes a movie. And secretly I love music more than movies. These are some of my favorite music quotes

“Music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is full of music.”
-Marcel Marceau

“Music is harmony, harmony is perfection, perfection is our dream, and our dream is heaven”
 -Henri Frederic Amiel