So I decided that today I needed to write on my blog since I haven't in FOREVER! Don't worry though, World Domination is in progress! I haven't had much to write about, but I am taking a four week summer school Biology class. I feel that there are 10 requirements that must be met in order to take a four week Biology class. If you fall under one or more of them, feel free to take the class:
(1) You have already taken the class
(2) You love to stay up late studying
(3) You are willing to learn most of the material on your own
(4) You have an hilariously amazing friend to take the class with
(5) You are capable of sitting in boring lectures for up to 2 hours
(6) You have lab partners who are super smart and super fun
(7) You can wake up early enough to be at school at 7:00 am
(8) You don't mind having school off on Fridays
(9) You have a teacher who doesn't ramble on and on about nothing
(10) You bring Sudoku for lecture and Skip-bo for down time
So that is my input on a Biology condensed into four weeks. In case you're wondering, it shouldn't be attempted under normal circumstances
Celery :D